Our Work

The Hills of Bangladesh (Chittagong Hills Tracts) are a 5,093-square-mile area of rugged hills, dense vegetation, and deep river valleys in southeast Bangladesh. 

CoH works in conjunction with the Bangladesh Tribal Association of Baptist Churches (BTABC) and the Association of Baptists Bangladesh (AOB). These three entities partner with tribal families to further the Gospel and educate tribal children. 

The COH established a Student Sponsorship Program in August 2019 to supplement living costs for BTABC Primary Students and independent upper-level students who have left the BTABC educational program. 

CoH is working to overcome obstacles to self-sufficiency within the tribal community with three programs: 

  1. Women’s Micro Loans
  2. Demonstration Farms
  3. Vocational Training Program

CoH recently established the Trees-for-Education program to assist tribal Christians with land acquisition and tree planting as a means to independently fund schools in their communities.