The tribal harvest, which began in August, was plentiful. Families who have a crop to harvest have been sharing with those who don’t. And the tribal communities are doing well. During the days of hunger, you gave $41,466 for the purchase of food for 8,593 people in 2,183 families. You provided rice, potatoes, fish, and lentils for 366,054 meals! Thanks to your generosity, you have fed many and shared the love of Christ in a most tangible way – by providing a meal.
Covid19 continues to severely impact Bangladesh, as it does here in America. The virus is spreading, deaths are increasing and lockdowns come-and-go. The good news is that businesses are more or less operating normally and the people are earning a living. All schools remain “officially” closed but sixty-five of our Village Primary Schools are open because they operate in remote locations. Unfortunately, our Hostels remain closed since the government can’t decide when it’s safe to open schools but the expectation is that schools may open in January 2021. Folks are happy because the government says everyone is passing their grade in 2020 but no one knows how children will make up for lost schooling. The tribes are hoping that life will soon return to normal – but only God knows the future.